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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BARDANNOCH CRAIG Barndennoch Craig

Barndannoch Craig

Bardannoch Craig
{Peter Mc Knight Minnyhive
{Robert Hastings, Minnyhive
{Walter Douglas Minnyhive
{Valuation Roll in - (1827)
{Mr Mc Turk , Hastings Hall
Col: [Colonel] Grierson, Dumfries (proprietor) (according to Thomas Moffat, occupier of Bardennoch.)
See Page 81,
030 [Situation] About 30 chains to the north of Upper Barndennoch and 4 chains to the east of the Drove or public Road leading from Minnyhive to Sanquhar &c.
A rough — steep crag composed of a kind of rotten whinstone .
Excepting as a feature it is in no way interesting and simply takes its name from that of the farm upon which it is Situated . Being close to the summit of Barndannoch hill, the prefix of the farm may be unnecessary & Craig be sufficient identification

Upper Barndannoch
Upper Bardennoch
{Peter Mc Knight Minnyhive
{Thomas Moffat, Barndennoch
{Robert Hastings Minny hive
Valuation Roll (1827).
Col: [Colonel] Grierson, Dumfries ( owner) ( according to Thomas Moffat occupier of Barndennoch.)
See Page 81,
030 [Situation] About ½ a mile to the North of Minnyhive .
A dwelling-house with outbuildings attached, on Barndennoch Farm — at present unoccupied and in a dilapidated condition. The outbuildings, which are of a much earlier date than the dwelling-house, were built about 40 years ago by the then proprietor of Barndennoch and Berbuie. (the adjoining farm to Barndennoch) Mr Thomas Moffat senr [senior] The dwelling-house was erected by Mr Thomas Moffat junr [junior] about 13 or 14 years ago , was Subsequently rented [Continued on page 80]

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 79
Parish of Glencairn -- Plan 30. 11. Trace No. [Number] 1.

[Signed] Thomas Matheson.

Transcriber's notes

check Bardannoch Craig - Descriptive Remarks - 2nd last line, last word - assumed to be 'prefix'
check Upper Barndennoch - Descriptive Remarks - superscripts assumed to be 'senior' and 'junior'

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