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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MOAT (Supposed) [Moatland] Moat
Dr. [Doctor] Lorimer
Thomas Cavins
Thomas Black
040 [Situation] 6 miles S ,E, [South East] from Moniaive.
A small hill with an entrenchment on the West side, Dr. [Doctor] Lorimer [has] informed me a Cannon ball was found in the entrenchment. Appears to be a natural mound, [for there] are many similar in the fields adjoining, [--- this] one may be artificial.
Dr. [Doctor] Lorimer
Thomas Cavins
Thomas Black
Valuation Rolls
040 [Situation] Nearly 6 miles S.E, [South East] from Moniaive.
A farm- house and Outbuildings with garden— Name derived from the Moat upon the farm— the property of Thomas Cavins
Andrew Lorimer m. D, [medical Doctor]
Valuation Rolls
Johnstone's Co. [County] map
040 [Situation] 5 ⅓ miles S.E. [South East] from Moniaive.
A farm- house and outbuildings with garden &c. the property of Thomas Cavins and occupied by him

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 248,
Parish of Glencairn -- Plan 40. 10. Trace 2

[Signed] [-] Samuel S Hill
Lce. Corpl. RS&m, [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners]
1st Exr. [Examiner]

Transcriber's notes

Moat - Situation - written very faintly below the red ink entry, with an arrow pointing from the circled word 'hill' on the 1st line of the Descriptive Remarks, is (I think) 'A Natural feature?' Erased? because this comment is included/expanded upon in the Descriptive Remarks
- Descriptive Remarks - there are words/letters lost in the page fold - best guesses inserted, except the end of the 2nd last line (doesn't seem to be e.g. 'but' or 'except' - an abbreviated 'however'?).

Birkshaw - there is a faint 4th entry in Various modes of Spelling & Authority - Birkshaw - Valuation Roll
However, this seems a duplicate of the 2nd entry and may have been erased?

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