
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CAMP (Remains of) [Chesters] Roman Camp
(remains of)
Mr Thomas Cockburn Sisterpath
Mr John Hogg Waulk Mill
Mr Allan Fogorig
022.05 Towards the North and situate[situated] a few yards from the present farm [-] Chesters are the remains of a small c[cairn] of which, although partly obliterated [-] tillage, the regular form is still tra [traceable.]
About a quarter of a mile north [-] this, on Chesters Brae, are the rema[remains] of another of considerable size and [-] elliptic form, of which only the nort[north] part is visible, as the remainder of it [-] likewise been removed to make way fo[for] the plough. - The situation of both [-]mand [command] an extensive view of the surrou[surrounding] Country, and being also near the water, [-] a well chosen spot for an army. Alt[Although] the form of these Camps does not ind[-] to be of Roman structure, nevertheless [-]must at one time have been occupied [-] their Armies, as traces of a Roman [-] and other antiquities such as Cairns, [-] Coffins, Urns etc are said to have [-] found in the vicinity.
CAMP (Remains of) [Chesters] Camp
(Remains of)
Mr Thomas Cockburn Sisterpath
Mr John Hogg Waulk Mill
Mr Allan Fogorig
022.05 Towards the North and situate[situated] a few yards from the present farm [-] Chesters are the remains of a small c[cairn] of which, although partly obliterated [-] tillage, the regular form is still tra [traceable.]
About a quarter of a mile north [-] this, on Chesters Brae, are the rema[remains] of another of considerable size and [-] elliptic form, of which only the nort[north] part is visible, as the remainder of it [-] likewise been removed to make way fo[for] the plough. - The situation of both [-]mand [command] an extensive view of the surrou[surrounding] Country, and being also near the water, [-] a well chosen spot for an army. Alt[Although] the form of these Camps does not ind[-] to be of Roman structure, nevertheless [-]must at one time have been occupied [-] their Armies, as traces of a Roman [-] and other antiquities such as Cairns, [-] Coffins, Urns etc are said to have [-] found in the vicinity.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 22
Ph. [Parish] of Fogo
Sheet 22 No 5 Trace 2 & 3
Collected by H Sharban

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