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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ATLANTIC OCEAN Atlantic Ocean Hugh Stewart. Branault
George Brunton. Estate Factor
Various The Atlantic Ocean. forms the western boundary of that portion of the parish Situated in the County of Argyll. Extending from Loch Moidart to the exit of the Sound of Mull abreast of the promontory of Ardnamurchan. the outline of which is Sinuous abounding in projections and recesses, but it nowhere has a bay of sufficient depth or capacity to Serve as a harbour for Ships. Some parts of it is very little elevated other parts rise abruptly into cliffs of irregularly Stratified and intricate Series of rocks The general appearance of which is bluff wild and rugged.
James Gray Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]

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Header - County Argyll Parish of Ardnamurchan

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