
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
RUDHA NA CLOICHE BAINE Rudha na Cloiche Baine The Revd [Reverend] McLeod. Strontian James Cameron. Raelands D. Cameron. Ground Officer 016 "The point of the White stone" formed by A Small inlet in the atlantic So called from its appearance of the rocks i.e. White.
RUDHA NA CAILLICH Rudha na Cailliche The Revd. [Reverend] McLeod. Strontian James Cameron. Raelands D. Cameron. Ground Officer 016 "The old Woman's point" A bold headland in the Atlantic.
RUDHA FASSADH NAM FEOCULLAN Rudha Fassadh nam Feocullan The Revd. [Reverend] McLeod. Strontian James Cameron. Raelands D. Cameron. Ground Officer 016 "The promontory of the ferret's point." A bold headland So called from its having formerly been the resort of Ferrets.

Continued entries/extra info

Header - County Argyll Parish of Ardnamurchan

Rudha na Caillich - "Caillich see mac Eachainns Dict"
"final e not required see mac Eachainn Dictionary."

Page signed - "James Gray Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]"

Transcriber's notes

Further details re Rudha na Caillich added as extra info.

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