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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
TARBERT (Ruins) Tarbert (local)
Tarbert (local)
Tarbert (local)
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. MacLeod, F.C. [Free Church] Strontian Donald Cameron, Salen Donald Urquhart. forester. 026 Applied to the remains of a small village or Clachan lying south west of Salen.
RUDHA BHUAILTE Rudha Bhuailte Revd. [Reverend] Mr. MacLeod, F.C. [Free Church] Strontian Donald Cameron, Salen Donald Urquhart. forester. 026 A prominent point situated on the west side of Salen Bay Sig. The Beaten point.
AN CNAP Cnap Revd. [Reverend] Mr. MacLeod, F.C. [Free Church] Strontian Donald Cameron, Salen Donald Urquhart. forester. 026 A closely wooded Knoll on the East side of "Salen Bay" Sig a little hill.

Continued entries/extra info

Header - Sheet 26. Parish of Ardnamurchan Argyleshire

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