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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Upper Clasheoin
Upper Clasheoin
G.F.W. Callander Esq
John McNicol Clachan-beag
A McVicar Clachan-beag
126 Two small stone and slated cottages on east side of Loch Fyne, about 1/2 a mile north east of Cairndow. The Property of G.F.W. Callander Esq.
GARBH-ALLT MÒR Garbhallt Mor
Garbhallt Mor
Garbhallt Mor
"Garbh-allt Mòr"
D. McArthur Achadunan
John McNicol Clachan-beag
A McVicar Clachan-beag
G.O. [Gaelic Orthography]
126 A mountain stream flowing in a westerly direction into the river Fyne, about 1/4 of a mile south of Achadunan farm house. Sig [Signification]: "Large Rough Burn."
GARBH-ALLT BEAG Garbhallt Beag
Garbhallt Beag
Garbhallt Beag
"Garbh-allt Beag"
D. McArthur Achadunan
John McNicol Clachan beag
A McVicar Clachan-beag
G.O. [Gaelic Orthography]
126 A mountain stream immediately south of the above. Sig [Signification] "Little Rough burn"
THE BADGER'S HOLE The Badger's Hole
The Badger's Hole
The Badger's Hole
D. McArthur Achadunan
John McNicol Clachan-beag
A McVicar Clachan-beag
126 A small piece of rock a short distance east of Upper Clasheoin.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 188
Sheet 126 Argyllshire

[Signature] B.H. Melville [Bruce Hull Melville]
Capt. R.E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
June 30th 1871

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