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On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BALLURE (Ruins) Ballure (Ruins)
Ballure (Ruins)
Ballure (Ruins)
John McNicol Clachan beag
W. Turnbull Clachan
D McIntyre Glenfyne
126 Several ruins on west side of road a little to the north of Glenfyne Lodge.
CREAG DIORBHÀIL Creag Diorbhàil John McNicol Clachan beag 126 A prominent rock on east side of Glen Fyne. about 1/2 a mile north east of Glen Fyne Lodge. Sign. [Signification] "Dorothys Rock."
SPÙT BÀN Spout Bàn
Spout Bàn
Spout Bàn
Eas Bàn
"Spùt Bàn"
John McNicol Clachan beag
W. Turnbull Clachan
D McIntyre Glenfyne
D. McArthur Achadunan
G.O. [Gaelic Orthography]
126 A mountain stream flowing out of a small Lochan about 1/2 a mile east of Cruach Tuirc (Described [Page 181]) and falling into River Fyne near Ballure (Ruins). Sign. [Signification] "White Spout"
Easan Dubh
Easan Dubh
John McNicol Clachan beag
D McIntyre Glen fyne
D McArthur Achadunan
126 A small rough stream flowing out of a little Loch on the summit of Cruach tuire into the River Fyne, near Lodge. Sign. [Signification] Black Little Cataract.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 178
Sheet 126 Argyllshire

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