Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CILL DA BHIDE Cill da' Bhidhe Rev J MacKay U A B D Ulva
Mr D MacDougall Shepherd Penmore
Mr Hugh MacLean Penmore
051 Applies to a few ruins of Old used as a Burying ground situated about ½ mile Eastwards of Langamull and close to Allt Cill da Bhidhe. The property of Lord Compton Torloisk. Meaning ...... Hollow
GLAC AN AILEIN Glac an Ailein Dittto 051 A ..... Hollow situated about ¼ mile S S E of Cill da Bhidhe and about ¼ mile South of "Si... Riablach". The property of Lord Wm Compton Torloisk. Meaning ... Hollow.
SITHEAN RIABHACH Sitheau Riabhach Ditto 051 A ......Hill situated about ¼ esatwards of Cillsa Bladhe and about ¼ mile S S West of Seau bhaile the property of Lord Wm Compton Torloisk. Meaning "Spotted Knoll".

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