Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLT GUALANN NA GEARRA Allt Gualann na Gerra Ditto 038 A small riverlet rising a short distance South of Gualann an Gearra and flowing in a northerly direction, falling into the Sea about ¼ mile west S West of "Uauh nan Calman. Name meaning " The steam of the Shoulders of the Hare". In the united parishes of Kilmore and Kilninian.
LEAC NA BO RAIBHAICH Leac na Bo Rhiabhaich Ditto 038 Applies to a piece of Flat Rock a short sistance Eastwards from where "Allt Gualad na Glerra falls into the Sea and close on the West side is a small sandy bay. Name means "The ... of the spotted Cow". In the parishes of Kilmore and Kilninian (united).
UAMH NAN CALMAN Uamh nan Calman Mr John A Campbell Teacher Dervaig
Mr Lachlan McKinnon
Mr Robt McDougall Shepherd Sorne
038 Applies to a cave at the opening of the sound of Mull and on the South Coast about 1½ miles Eastwards of Glengorm Castle and abounding in very ?old Rocks. Name meaning "The Cave of the Pigeons" in the united parishes of Kilmore and Kilninian.

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