Essential website maintenance

On Tuesday 11 June, a small number of our websites started experiencing some infrastructure-related issues. We are working to restore the functionality affected by these issues and anticipate this will be resolved by next week.


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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Revd. [Reverend] John Keith, Keith Hall
Mr. William Ironside, Ground Officer Keith Hall
Mr. John Rothnea, tenant.
046 A small croft tenanted by John Rothnea; property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Kintore
BACKHILL OF CRIMOND Backhill of Crimond
Backhill of Crimond
Backhill of Crimond
Revd. [Reverend] John Keith
Mr. William Ironside
Mr. John Rothnea
046 A small croft tenanted by Widow Reid; property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Kintore.
Burreldale Moss
Burreldale Moss
Revd. [Reverend] John Keith
Mr. Robert Mearns, North Moss-side
Mr. Peter Barnett, Cot-town of Kendal
046 A large extent of Moss about two miles in length from east to west and varying from one eight to a quarter of a mile in breadth. Previous to the opening of railway Communication with Inverury this formed the chief source of fuel-supply for the parish. Peat is still taken from here but not in such quantities as formerly. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Kintore.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 5
Parish of Keith-Hall and Kinkell

Backhill of Crimond
altered to one M on plan.
two ms on Plan

Backhill of Crimond
Crioman. A bit, a small portion. " (Gaelic)

Burreldale Moss
Burrel Ley - Land where at midsummer there
was only a narrow ridge ploughed,
and a large stripe or baulk of
barren land between every ridge, was called Burrel Ley.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Kate51- Moderator, JulieH

  Location information for this page.