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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Church (Ruins of) Continued [from p.42] meaning the Head Church. The parish was suppressed in 1754, one-fourth of it being annexed to Kintore, and the remaining three-fourths to Keith-hall, which latter, indeed, is still termed the united parish of Keith-hall and Kinkell." Extracts from the Early History of Kintore by the late Alexander Watt, Kintore, dated 1865. Pages 133 to 136.
The walls of this Church are not so entirely demolished as is represented in the above extracts. There is still standing about fourteen feet or so of the west gavel, and a portion of what seems to have been the eastern one, with the side and spring of the arch of a large window which was entire some years ago but has now fallen. The south wall still shews above ground in some places, but a considerable portion of the stones used in its construction has been appropriated to the building of a tomb - referred to in the extracts as being "like an out-house." It is a plain whitewashed slated building. The figures and sculptured ornaments surrounding the tabernacle and altar have suffered much at the hands of some persons who possessed more curiosity than reverence for antiquarian objects;- portions, and in some instances whole figures having been chipped off and carried away. The graveyard adjacent is surrounded by a substantial stone wall. Property of the Right Hon. [Honourable] the Earl of Kintore.
"The Church had formerly a turret in the middle, (for a steeple) and a great window in the east end. The word signifies a chief church, and so it was, having six that depended on it"- (mentioned in the above extract,) - " all which of old, as well as Kinkell itself, were severally provided of a priest who officiated in them, as chaplain or vicar, for the parson of Kinkell himself, who being a principal person in the chapter, had his residence at the cathedral in the Canonry." From Macfarlane's Geographical Collections M.S. (Manuscript") Extract from the Aberdeenshire Collection, page 571.

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Parish of Keith-Hall and Kinkell

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