
Proprietor and land Valuation
Johne Maxuel of kirkconnel for himsellff and Remanent heritors fewareis Lyverenteris proper wodseteris and vther wthin [within] the parrochin of Traqueir thair money Rent does extend to Tua thowsand fyue hundrethe fowrscore tua pund Ane schilling breve £2582.1.0
Payid of meill and beir in the said parroch Both being of alyik value Converting the mett and mesr [measure] By the which the same victuall Is peyid into Linlithgow prik mett Extendis to Fourtie chalderis fyue bollis awght peks which being Convertit in money at four pund sextene schilling awcht penneis [£4.16.8] the boll Is £3160.4.0

Transcribe other information

At Kirkcudbryt [Kirkcudbryght] The Twentie sevin
day off Octobre Jai vi ct fourtie Nyne yeiris [27 Oct 1649]

THe Roll of the Rent of the Stewartrie of Kirkcudbryt [Kirkcudbryght] Maid and set downe By the Comissioneris [Commissioneris] Vnder subscryueing Appoyntid for that effect By act of the estates of Parliament of this Kingdome Haldin at Edinburghe the fourt day off August Jai vi ct Fourtie Nyne Yeiris [4 Aug 1649] Which Comissioneris [Commissioneris] haveing met vpon the Twentie day of september Last [20 Sep 1648] And haveing Judicialie Givin thair oathes To vse thair best indevouris for a Right and trew Information of the Rents of the wholl stewarty [stewartry] And to proceid fathfullie and Impartiallie In prosecuting thr [their] Comission [Commission] And Instructions Relateing thrto [thereto] Which they haue Carefullie performed in ewrie poynt After serious And mature Deliberation They haue maid and set Downe the Roll following In Articles Acording to the Numbir of the severall parrochess in the said stewartrie And haue Cast vp the sowmes Acording to the Direction of the Parliament Valueing Casualities within the said boundis Acording as the pryces Bewks Adding the same Pryces To the money Rentis of the heritoris And adding few dueties and tak dewties peyid to Land Lordis & titularis To the Rentis of these Land lords and titularis
[Page] 149

Transcriber's notes

L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
By and attour - over and above
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches
wodsetter - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson, Caroline Macafee, eddie h