
Proprietor and land Valuation
Peyit of beir in the said parochin four chalders thrie bols at the measur forsaid qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the bear price aboue said extendeth to £301.10.0
Sum [Summa] of the Whol price of the wictuall and moey [money] rent wtin [within] this perochin extends to Ane thowsand eight hundreth fourscor four lb [pounds] Ten ss [shillings] £1884.10.0
Theirof peyit to the minister of moey [money] stipend tua hundreth four scor pundis [£280.0.0] and of wictuall tuentie thrie bolis meill and Nyn bolis bear the wictuall being convertit at the prices said and the money stipend extendis to four hundreth tuentie lb [pounds] iij ss [three shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] £420.3.4
[Total] £1464.6.8
Doris perishin
Andrew Lord Fraser for himselff and remnant heritors Lyfrentaris friehalders feweris vodsetteris and vtheris wtin [within] the perochin of Doris ther money rent extendis To £1173.6.8
Peyit in the said parochin of meall Ten chalderis ten bolis thrie firlotis according to the measur of the mett ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the price of the meall aboue wrin [written] extendis To £789.18.4
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Four chalderis thrie bolis according to the said measr [measur] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at 4lb [pounds] 10 ss [shillings] the bol extendis To £301.10.0
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Whol wictuall convertit as saidis and money rent extendis To tua thowsand tua hundreth thriescor four lb [pounds] tuelff ss [shillings] £2264.12.0
Theirof peyit to the minister thrie hundreth and fourtie lb of money and tua chalderis meill the meill being convertit in moey [money] at the price ford [forsaid] and the money extendis to Four hundreth Fyftie eight pundis thrittein ss [shillings] four pennies £458.13.4
[Total] £1805.18.8
Strachan Perochin
Sir Thomas Burnet of Leyis ferry for himselff and remnant heritoris Lyfrenteris friehalderis feweris proper wodsetteris and vtheris within the perochin of Strachan ther proper rent wtin [within] the said perochin being only a money rent extendis To £1682.6.8
Sum of the rent of this perochin extendis to Ane Thousand Sex hundreth fourscor tua lb [pounds] sex ss [shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] £1682.6.8

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