
Number Proprietors Lands Valuation Sub Valuation
PARISH of BANFF (Contd.) [Continued] Scots Money.
Br. [Brought] Forward:- £569.16.0
Messrs. James Simpson & Son for part of Reidstack & Mill of Boyndie £13.4.0
The Earl of Seafield for Ord £263.6.8
The Earl of Seafield for Boghead £70.0.0
The Earl of Seafield for part of Gerries Lot £30.0.0
Blairshinnoch Lands.
In terms of Agreement between parties dated 8th, 17th, 19th and 22nd March 1897 the following Allocation made per letter of Comptroller 25/3/97
1. Alexander Ogilvy Stevenson, Esq. for lands of Blairshinnoch and Croft £231.12.6
2. Jacob Chalmers for Blairshinnoch Croft £35.1.10½
3. His Grace the Duke of Fife for remaining lands Colleonard & Part of Reidstack £65.12.11⅟₁₂
1. James Bisset, Esq. for Paddocklaw £95.14.11
2. Alexander Chalmers for Hill of Banff £11.11.2
3. His Grace the Duke of Fife for remainder of said lands £409.9.11
Intimated to County Clerk 17th April 1899.
In terms of Memorandum as to change of ownership by J. K. & W. P. Lindsay, W.S., [Writer to the Signet] Edinburgh, dated 4th January 1899 and per letter from Comptroller of 11 January 1899.
Intimated to County Clark 6th January 1899.
The lands of Inchdrewer transferred to Alexander Francis Leslie, Esq. £119.19.4
In terms of Memorandum as to change of ownership dated 27 and 31st January, 16th February and 12th April 1899 the following Allocation made p. [per] letter of Comptroller of 20th April 1899.
Intimated to County Clerk 25th July 1899.

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