
Number Proprietors Lands Valuation Sub Valuation
Valued Rents (Scots Money). Allowance to Minister in lieu of Manse (Money Sterling)
14 The Trustees of His Grace the Duke of Fife. Lands acquired from Lord Seafield, £164.14.0 £10.2.7
15 James Davidson, Culbeuchly, Wester Culbeuchly, £55.0.11 £3.7.9
16 James Bisset, Souter Street, Macduff, Paddocklaw, (Valued rent already apportioned.) £2.0.8
Carry forward, £219.14.11 £15.11.0

Transcribe other information

[Page] 4A

SCHEME OF ALLOCATION between and among the Trustees
of HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF FIFE, K.G., [Knight of the Garter] K.T., [Knight of the Thistle] and purchasers
from him, or their Successors, of the old Valued Rent of the
lands of Colleonard lying in the Parish and County of Banff,
and of the Allowance payable to the Minister of the Parish
in lieu of a Manse.
January 1913.
The Valued Rent remaining unallocated of the Lands of Colleonard, etc.,
in the Parish and County of Banff, is £256, 11s. [shilling] 10d. [pennies] Scots. The sum still
being paid annually to the Minister of the Parish as the proportion of the
Allowance granted to him in lieu of a Manse, in respect of the whole lands
which belonged to His Grace in the Parish previous to the commencement of
the land sales, is £44, 13s. [shillings] 9d. [pennies] Sterling. These sums are allocated below in the
same proportions as the stipend payable by His Grace previous to the commence-
ment of the land sales was allocated in the State of Teinds propared by
Mr. George J. Wood, W.S., [Writer to the Signet] in 1901, and in the Scheme of Locality which
followed upon it. An allocation of the valued rent made on the immediate
basis of the real rents would no doubt be more strictly in accordance with
principle; but in many cases the amounts of the real rents at the dates
of the sales are not readily ascertainable. And, as the allocation of the
stipend was made on the basis of the real rents, it follows that the present
one also proceeds on that basis, though not directly.

Transcriber's notes

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Bizzy- Moderator, Skinnb1- Moderator