
Date Masters/mistresses names and designations Actual # Carriage horses
(10s each)
Saddle horses
(10s each)
Town of Elgin
[Thomas] Sillar 1 1 £0.10.0
[John] Jamison 1 1 £0.10.0
[Patrick] Duff 1 1 £0.10.0
[Charles] Callam Supervisor 1 1 £0.10.0
[Mr] Alexander Brander 1 1 £0.10.0
[Doctor] Stephen 1 1 £0.10.0
[William] Brodie Esqr 1 1 £0.10.0
[William] Williamson 1 1 £0.10.0
[Alexander] Chalmers 1 1 £0.10.0
[Doctor] Brodie 1 1 £0.10.0
10 10 £5.0.0

Transcribe other information

[page] 61-- ELGIN -- 21
A Survey of the Carriage and Horse Tax. arisin in the Town of
Elgin from 5th April 1788 to 5th April 1789 by Patrick McDonald Surveyor

10 Horses @ 10/ [£0.10.0] each for a year is £5.0.0

I Patrick McDonald Surveyor aforesaid do hereby sertify that upon carefull
[examination] of the foregoing rates and duties on Saddle horses in the
[Town of] Elgin I find they amt [amount] to Five Pound Sterling and that I
[delivered] to Alexander Sinclair Collector for Said duties of Said Town
[aforesaid an exact] duplicate of the foregoing Accot [account] duly examined and compared
[with the foregoing] which containd my oath that the Severall inha-
[bitants] were duly Served with requisitions and assessments from the
[Lists] and answers now in my possession

Patrick McDonald Survy [Surveyor]
Sworn befor at Forres the 2d Jany [2nd January] Alexander Grant J.P. [Justice of the Peace]

Transcriber's notes

Document repaired on left hand margin with some of names covered by the repair

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Jane F Jamieson, Chr1smac -Moderator, G Robertson

  Location information for this page.
