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Hearth tax transcription

[Page] 6
The parochen of Tungland -- hearths -- lib [pound] -- ss [shillings]
Item the viscount of Kennurs interest ther -- 49 -- £28.0.0
qrof [quherof] nyne beggers
Item the Laird of Dunlops interest ther -- 12 -- £7.0.0
qrof [quherof] ane house & ane smydie belonging & pesest
be John McMillan Smyth his wyfe prissoner in the
tolbuith of Ehr [Edinburgh]
Item the Laird of Kirkconnell Gordoune -- 16 -- £11.4.0
Item the Lady Bargatoune -- 7 -- £4.18.0
Mr John McMichen for Barcaple -- 7 -- £4.18.0
Robert Cutler of Argrennan -- 6 -- £4.4.0
Item Cheapell thrie -- 3 -- £2.2.0
[Total] Eleven Beggars -- 100 -- £62.6.0

The paroch of Kirkpatrick durcham
Conforme to the subcryved
Lists given doune be the heretors to James
Turner of Kirkland my subcollector and
delyverred be him to me -- 83 -- £53.4.0
qrof [quherof] seven beggars
Item the Laird of Troquheirs interest ther in the
parochens of Kirkpatrick & urr -- 46 -- £30.2.0
qrof [quherof] three beggers
[Total] Ten Beggers -- 129 -- £83.6.0

The parochens of Kirkmabreick, Anwaith,
Girtoune and Borgue conforme
To the subscrybed Lists given doune to Samuell Broune
my subcollector extends to the number of -- 342 -- £239.8.0
All poor conform to the act of parliat [parliament]
excepted is -- 0 -- £0.0.0

The parochen of Dundrennan alias
Imp [Imprimis] Mclelland of Collins interest thre poor included -- 19 -- £11.4.0
It [Item] Mr Alexander Telfeir there -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Item the Lairds of Torr elder & younger -- 22 -- £14.0.0
tuo poor included
Item mor 19 three beggers included -- 19 -- £11.4.0
Item Connechtries interest -- 13 -- £7.4.0
tuo beggers included
[Total] Seven poor -- 76 -- £45.14.0

Turn over

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Dauvit- Moderator, RobertA

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