
Hearth tax transcription

(2) Bolton
Robert Hunter in Breadwoodsyde one -- 1
Lans Turnbull thr [there] one -- 1
Andrew Burne thr [there] one -- 1
John Nicolsone thr [there] one -- 1
John Corse Factour for the Lady Pilmer for the house of Pilmer eight -- 8
David Finlason thr [there] one -- 1
Robert Whyte in the overtoune one -- 1
John Finlason thr [there] one -- 1
Mr John Sinklar Minr [Minister] thr [there] six -- 6
Walter Scot Schoolmr [Schoolmaster] thr [there] two -- 2
Patrick Baikbie thr [there] mor thn [than] befor two -- 2
John Baikbie thr [there] more thn [than] befor two -- 2
Robert Grant of Kirkland for his tenant thr [there] foure -- 4
[total] -- 31

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Dauvit- Moderator, glendinning