Scheduled Maintenance

This website will undergo scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, September 10th, between 11:00 and 15:00, as well as on Thursday, September 12th, between 10:00 and 12:00. During this time, services may be temporarily disrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience


Hearth tax transcription

Tranent (10)
Hendrie Cromertie in Cockeanie one -- 1
Alexander Allen in Tranent on -- 1
William Allen thr [there] -- 1
James Crafurd thr [there] on -- 1
Thomas Martial thr [there] on -- 1
George Hunter thr [there] on -- 1
John Walker thr [there] on -- 1
George Beyenet thr [there] on -- 1
Anna Rait thr [there] on -- 1
John Millar thr [there] on -- 1
John Innis thr [there] on -- 1
James Abernathie thr [there] on -- 1
Androw Baidinock thr [there] on -- 1
William Marthial thr [there] on -- 1
George Blakie in Longnidrie on -- 1
George Fairlie thr [there] on -- 1
David Fermer thr [there] on -- 1
James Bickerton thr [there] on -- 1
Agnus Mckeanzie thr [there] on -- 1
James Bennet in Seaton on -- 1
Marie Anderson thr [there] on -- 1
Robert Fyf thr [there] on -- 1
Hendrie Swinton thr [there] on -- 1
Margaret Finnie thr [there] on -- 1
Thomas Mark thr [there] on -- 1
John Stobbie thr [there] on -- 1
Adam Harper thr [there] on -- 1
Janet Armor thr [there] on -- 1
John Durie thr [there] on -- 1
Marion Heaslup thr [there] on -- 1
Thomas Comb in Cokeanie on -- 1
Thomas Turnbull thr [there] on -- 1
Thomas Conguart in Waster falsyd on -- 1
Agnis Murdo in Newton on -- 1
Margaret Aitkin in Elfiston on -- 1
James Broun in Winton on -- 1
William Saidler in Spinlfoord on -- 1
Barbara Conqwart in Nisbit on -- 1
Mark Mill thr [there] on -- 1
John Shaw thr [there] on -- 1
Alexander Johnston thr [there] on -- 1
William Gray thr [there] on -- 1
Thomas Sinklar thr [there] on -- 1
Marion hardie thr [there] on -- 1
Janet Nilson thr [there] on -- 1
[total] -- 45

[Page] 20

Hadingtoun (3)
James Carmichall merd [merchant] in hadingt [haddington] four -- 4
Bartholomew Bower thr [there] one -- 1
Elisabeth Adiston thr [there] one -- 1
Thomas Willson thr [there] fyve -- 5
John Young in giffert gate one -- 1
James Litster thr [there] one -- 1
Andrew Hardie in Nungate one -- 1
James Crichton thr [there] one -- 1
Alexander Adingston in giffertgat one -- 1
Bessie deall thr [there] one -- 1
Alexander Aitchison in hadington fyve -- 5
John henderson thr [there] one -- 1
Robert Corsser in giffert gatte one -- 1
Jennet Corsser thr [there] one -- 1
John Roger thr [there] one -- 1
William Cokburn in Nungate one -- 1
John Greenfield in St Lowrance six -- 6
John Syme in oxgraing one -- 1
Bernard Leyes thr [there] one -- 1
Thomas Hume thr [there] one -- 1
William Coatis in giffert gate one -- 1
John Steven in Nungate one -- 1
Alexander Jack: dyster in hadington six -- 6
George Measlit thr [there] one -- 1
Robert Wadderston weaver thr [there] one -- 1
Philantis Lindores thr [there] one -- 1
James Fleeing thr [there] one -- 1
John Maine thr [there] one -- 1
John Jack thr [there] one -- 1
John Anderson meason thr [there] -- 1
Katherine Mure thr [there] one -- 1
John Scot Baikbie three -- 3
John Donaldson thr [there] one -- 1
Provist Lessens relict thr [there] fyve -- 5
Thomas Borthwicke thr [there] two -- 2
Thomas Thomson thr [there] one -- 1
Alexander Claperton Candlelemaker two -- 2
William Lamb thr [there] fyve -- 5
Margret Tait thr [there] three -- 3
James Bickerton baxter thr [there] three -- 3
George young Apothecary thr [there] one -- 1
Patrick Wail-ie Taylour thr [there] one -- 1
Marion Hog thr [there] two -- 2
John Kay Smith thr [there] [yotuo] -- 2
Jennet Kildne thr [there] one -- 1
Agnes Burnet thr [there] one -- 1
Andrew Gray merd [merchant] thr [there] one -- 1
William Crommie thr [there] one -- 1
Bailie Gray thr [there] one -- 1
Patrike Stewart in Nungat one -- 1
John Thomson in hadington one -- 1
Bailif Douglas in hadington fyve -- 5
William Mure in Nungat one -- 1
John Bower thr [there] one -- 1
Patrick wood thr [there] three -- 3
John Todrick Smith thr [there] two -- 2
Alexander Anderson thr [there] one -- 1
Robert Murdo thr [there] one -- 1
John Broune in Nungate one -- 1
James Brown in hadington one -- 1
Robert Waddie thr [there] one -- 1
James Thomsone thr [there] one -- 1
Jennet Davidson thr [there] one -- 1
Archibald Riddle at Newmills one -- 1
[total] -- 110

[Page] 21

Transcriber's notes

The number for John Smith has been altered and is confirmed as 2 by calculation.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, glendinning, Laurie Woods