Hearth tax transcription
Forbes parioch -- h [hearths] -- -- libs [pounds] -- ss [shillings]Mr [Master] of forbes
Recepts produced for thritty
fyve hearths Corresponds to the
book and surveyes List -- 35 -- is -- £24.10.0
Invernochty parioch
Skelater elder
Recepts produced for his
Lands for ellewen herths
Corresponds with John Cleari
-hewes [Clearihewes] book and the survey -- 11 -- is -- £7.14.0
Recepts produced for his Lands
in Tarland Parioch for sextin
herths Corresponds with John
Clearihewes book & the survey -- 16 -- is -- £11.4.0
Skelater yor [younger]
Recepts produced for his Lands
for ten hearths tuo qrof [quharof] is in
tarland parioch Corresponds
with John Clearihews book -- 10 -- is -- £7.0.0
Glenkindies Lands
Recepets produced for thritty tuo
hearths Corresponds with J. C.
book and the surveys List -- 32 -- is -- £22.8.0
Blelacks Lands
Recepts produced for ten herths
Corresponds to John Clearihews
book -- 10 -- is -- £7.0.0
Lady Marrs Lands
Recepts produced for fyftein
hearths Corresponds with J.C. book -- 15 -- is -- £10.10.0
Cullwharies Lands
Recepts produced for eight
hearths Corresponds with John
Clearihew's book -- 8 -- is -- £5.12.0
Buchaines Land
Recepts produced for four herths
Correspond with J.C. book -- 4 -- is -- £2.16.0
Old Lerges Land
Recepts produced for four hearths
Corresponds to J.C. book -- 4 -- is -- £2.16.0
Cullwhanyes Land
Recepts produced for sex
herths Correspond to J.C. book -- 6 -- is -- £4.4.0
New's Land
Recepts produced for fiftein
hearths Correspond to J.C. book -- 15 -- is -- £10.10.0
[Page] 4
Toldawhills Land
Recepts produced for three
hearths Correspond to J. C. book -- 3 -- is -- £2.2.0
Glencarvies Land
Recepts produced for ten herths
Correspond to John Clearihews
book & the surveys List -- 10 -- is -- £7.0.0
Invernochties Land
Recepts produced for eight
hearths Correspond to J.C. book -- 8 -- is -- £5.12.0
Invernettys Land
Recepts produced for ten hearths
Correspond with J.C. book &
the surveys List -- 10 -- is -- £7.0.0
Lidmacays Land
Recepts produced for fyve herths
Correspond to J.C. book -- 5 -- is -- £3.10.0
Candacraigs Land
Recepts produced for tuontie
seaven hearths Correspond to
John Clearihews book & the
surveys List -- 27 -- is -- £18.18.0
Bellnabodachs Land
Recepts produced for sex hearths
Correspond with J.C. book
and the surveys List -- 6 -- is -- £4.4.0
Corribreick & aldachui
Recepts produced for four
hearths Corriespond with
John Clearihews book -- 4 -- is -- £2.16.0
Bellabegges Land
Recepts produced for four hearths
Correspond with the survey and
J.C. book -- 4 -- is -- £2.16.0
This is the List given
wp be the hearitores to John
Clearihew amonting to tuo
hundreth and eight hearths is
on hundreth fourtie fyve libs [pounds]
and tuelfe shilling scots -- 208 -- is -- £145.12.0
Parioch of Towie Kinbetach
Craigivars Lands
Recepts produced for nyntein
hearths Correspond to J.C. book -- 19 -- is -- £13.6.0
Transcriber's notes
The page is divided in two vertically.Page numbered 4 in a modern hand at top middle.
Cullwhanyes - cf. Colquhonnie
Toldawhill = Tolduquhill
Lidmacay = Ledmacoy
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
Location information for this page.