
Transcribe other information

I Charles Robb Assessor aforesaid Do hereby certifye that upon Carefull Examination of [the]
foreging Several Rates and Duties I find they Amount in whole to the sum of Seven pounds [fifteen]
Shilling Sterling and that upon the twenty forth day of December I delivered to James [Carstairs]
Collector for that Burgh Aforesaid An Exact Duplicate of the above account duly
Examined and Compared with the foregoing which contained my oath that Notices were left [with]
the severall Inhabitants or at their dwelling houses of the Dates annexed to their respective [names]
that they were to Be charged with the Sums thereby certified to be due from them
Charles Robb Assessor

Transcriber's notes

Some words lost in right hand margin indicated by [ ]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Nora Edwards, Muriel Alexander