
Date Masters/mistresses names and designations Servants names Number of servants Bachelor servants One servant Two servants Three or more servants Duty
18 Oct 1785 Kirkaldie
Provest Whyte Janet Taylor 1 1 £0.1.10½
Doctor Weemyss Elizabeth Couston 2 1 £0.1.10½
Mrs McGill Ann Short 3 1 £0.1.10½
James Fergus Mady Tood 4 1 £0.3.9
George Heggie Margrat Peatt 5 1 £0.1.10½
Andrew Ingless Ann Henderson 6 1 £0.1.10½
James Townsend Oswald Esqr Margrat Stevenson 7 1 £0.7.6
8 1 £0.7.6
9 1 £0.7.6
Philip Patton Janet Brown 10 1 £0.3.9
Philip Patton Jeane Forbes 11 1 £0.3.9
Provest Drysdale Elizabeth Pithie 12 1 £0.1.10½
Captain Black Christain Robertson 13 1 £0.1.10½
Mrs Berrall Isbell Anderson 14 1 £0.1.10½
John Lindsay Isbell Ferguson 15 1 £0.1.10½
Andrew Cowan Betty Slark 16 1 £0.1.10½
John Loch Margrat Robertson 17 1 £0.1.10½
Mr Sherow Janet Patton 18 1 £0.1.10½
Mrs Clyde Chirston Black 19 1 £0.1.10½
Mr Horrn Margrat Wattson 20 1 £0.1.10½
Mr Adam Kathren Henderson 21 1 £0.3.9
Doctor Whyte Bell Orrick 22 1 £0.3.9
Mrs Condie Janet Christie 23 1 £0.1.10½
James Landell Junner [Junior] Chirston Frazear 24 1 £0.1.10½
James Landell Sinner [Senior] Ann Millar 25 1 £0.1.10½
Provest Durgall Elisabeth Ritchie 26 1 £0.1.10½
John Guthrie Janet Brown 27 1 £0.1.10½
John Wilison Janet Gray 28 1 £0.1.10½
Miss Mallcolms Margrat Cashen 29 1 £0.1.10½
John Dugall Elisabeth Oliphant 30 1 £0.1.10½
Mrs Steedman Girsall Lamond 31 1 £0.1.10½
Frances Robertson Ann Cummon 32 1 £0.1.10½
Captain Hobart Ann Grive 33 1 £0.1.10½
Robert Black Nelley Grieg 34 1 £0.1.10½
Miss Arrnotts Ann Simpson 35 1 £0.1.10½
Mr Gourlay Elisabeth Anderson 36 1 £0.1.10½
Thomas Kay Isball Wright 37 1 £0.1.10½
Mr. Andrew Rutherfurd Chirston Ingles 38 1 £0.1.10½
Michall Beveridge Margrat Coller 39 1 £0.3.9
James Grieg Jean Scott 40 1 £0.1.10½
Andrew Alexander Janett Brown 41 1 £0.1.10½
Mr. Bowie Janett Forbes 42 1 £0.1.10½
John Philp Ann Anderson 43 1 £0.1.10½
David Bervie Jean Anderson 44 1 £0.1.10½
John Forton Margrat Edie 45 1 £0.1.10½
Frances Anderson Salie Hutton 46 1 £0.1.10½
John Rutherfurd Chirston McNish 47 1 £0.1.10½
Patrick Black Janett Cares 48 1 £0.1.10½
George Killgour Bettie Morten 49 1 £0.1.10½
Mr. Patterson Ann Ness 50 1 £0.1.10½
[total] 50 4 41 2 3 £6.1.10½

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