

Ap [April] 24th

Left Edinburgh yesterday & came to Staple:
:ton for a few days to complete my survey
in this neighbourhood.

Middlebie Par. [Parish]
Fort Purdomstone (Unnoted)
On a bluff immediately adjacent to the South
end of the Annan waterworks near Purdomstone farm and contained
in a loop of the Middlebie Burn
are the remains of a small quasi rectang:
:ular oblong fort lying with its longest axis North
& South. The South end rests on a steep bank
some 20 ft. in height overlooking the stream:
on the East the ground from the fort falls
sharply away, on the West side lies a hollow
gradually deepening as it approaches
the face of the bank on the South; towards
the North the original contour of the ground
and the lines of the fort have been destroyed
by the waterworks. Along the East and
West sides are the remains of an
earthen rampart, showing a breadth
at base of some 16 ft; [feet] and low in ele:
:vation, and there is an indication of
its continuance along the South end.
The length of the enceinte as remaining
is 173 ft., its breadth at the S. [South] end 110 ft. [feet]
and at the N. [North] about 126 ft. [feet] The situation
is about 1 1/4 m. NNW. [North North West] of the Roman

[Continued on page 59]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Graham