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4ft. [feet].

Fort Beattock Hill
This the second fort on Beattock Hill as it
mounts upwards from the North East lies
at an elevation of some 700 ft. [feet] over sea level
immediately to the East of the South end of
the plantation which runs parallel with the
road to Kinnelhead. It is circular in form measuring ^ interiorly about 110 ft. [feet] in diameter and occupies a shelf
on the hillside commanded by higher ground
on its Western semicircle but with a long and
steep descent in the opposite direction. It
has been surrounded by a broad stony
rampart or wall, some 20 feet in thickness
at base by the entrance. Around the South
arc against the higher ground the defence appears to have consisted
of a double wall with facing stones on either
side and also at 4 ft [feet] in from the exterior, or
of a 4 feet wall with an 8 feet banquette
on the interior. The fort was partially ex:
:cavated by Mr. A. H. Bishop, who found
that the main wall on the ? North East was
a rickle one formed of loose stone raised
on a base which was faced on both sides
with carefully laid blocks. The entrance, some
6 ft. [feet] wide has been from E.N E. [East North East] into an excavated hollow
approximately circular in form with a diameter
of 20 ft. [feet] or thereby. The interior has been

[Continued on page 17]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Brenda Pollock