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[Continued from page 14]

of Navvy's huts created during the construction
of the railway in 1847! It is likely to puzzle
some Antiquary of the future.

Fort Beattock Hill
Occupying the summit of a bluff which
projects from the Eastern slope of Beattock
Hill at an elevation of some 550ft [feet] above
sea level is a pear shaped enclosure lying
with its longest axis South West to North
East, with its narrower extremity towards
the rising slope of the hill on the South West.
It measures interiorly 113 feet by 70 feet across
the centre and has been surrounded by a
broad stony rampart, or possibly a wall,
near the base of which large laid stones
are here and there exposed. The broader
end of the construction has been formed
into a sub-enclosure
by a curving
cross wall and measures some 79 feet
by 60 in diameter. The main entrance
appears to have been up a steep slope
from the East flanked on the inside by
a return of the cross wall brought round
from the South. At the higher end of
the whole enclosure the interior has been
hollowed by excavation to a depth of some

[Continued on page 16]

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[Page] 15

Fort, Beattock Hill

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Jo Fitz-Henry