

[Page] 75
[Continued from page 74]

now difficult of discernment among the under:
:growth seemingly 40 ft. [feet] wide but the counter:
:scarp being ill defined this dimension must
be regarded as approximate. At this end on
the S W. [South West] the bank does not fall so abruptly
and some 10' below the summit level there has
been a trench, now shallow about 7 ft. [feet] wide with
a low mound on the counterscarp. a road
in a deep cutting passes through the fort towards
the S E. [South East] end. The interior is overgrown with trees
and a thick undergrowth of raspberry canes and

Applegarth Churchyard.
Just opposite the E. [East] end of the church stands a
tombstone with the figure of a woman carved
on it holding in her left hand an hour glass
and in her right an open book: Inscribed on
the back " Here lies Andrew Jardine in Peelhouses
who departed this life the 21 day of Sept. [September] 1777 eged
83 years also Jean Atchison his spouse died
Jany [January] 24th 1736 Aged 36 years" The stone
probably belongs to the earlier date.

Applegarth Mote
The Mote of Applegarth rises on the termination
of a steep bank, no doubt in former days washed
at its base by the Annan on the W [West] though that
river now flows by through meadow land
yards away. It is [blank] yds. [yards] to the S. [South] of the parish

[Continued on page 76]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson