

[Page] 59
[Continued from page 58]

with a scarp from 5 ft. [feet] to 8 ft. [feet] high on three
sides and the apparent foundations of a wall along
the fourth from the front of which the ground
falls sharply for some 20 ft. [feet] to a low terrace
above the haughland reaching to the river. The
floor of the interior has been cultivated and is level.
This enclosure is similar to that at Burnfoot
and many others seemingly associated with farms
and shepherds houses. They present features much
resembling certain enclosures which have a surrounding
trench and thus do show some defensive character.

27" July 1912
Wrote up notes all day, albeit a Saturday

29 July 1912
A hopelessly wet day

30 July 1912
Dryfesdale Par [Parish] Fort Hallmuir
This fort is situation at the edge of a
billowy ridge about 1/4 mile South of the farm
of Hallmuir and within a wood.
It lies with its longest axis N. [North] and S. [South]
measuring some 390' by 255 ft. [feet] O. S. Meas. [Ordnance Survey Measurements]. To the E. [East] the
ground is level and rises but little above
the interior, but within the interior toward the
W. [West] side it dips considerably. Except on the
lower side when the defences are now difficult
to follow, the fort is surrounded by a broad
rampart of earth and stone measuring
some 20 ft. [feet] in width at base, and 4 ft. [feet] in
height on the interior with a trench in front

[Continued on page 60]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson