

[Page] 57
[Continued from page 56]

and measures some 210 ft. [feet] by 120 ft. [feet]. A narrow ridge of
rock running along the crest of the hill from N E. [North East]
appears to have been utilised as the line of the
defence on the N W. [North West] side and along this
has been constructed a stony rampart formed to
a considerable extent by the cutting away of the
rock on the interior, which has apparently been
surmounted by a wall the whole rising to a
height of about 11 ft. [feet] on the exterior at two distinct
gradients, divided by a shoulder at about 5 ft. [feet]
below the crest, the lower portion being steeper
while the upper is probably encumbered with
debris from the wall. Across the space
intervening between the ridge & the edge of the
summit the rampart or wall of the fort
whichever it may it is difficult to say without
excavation, has been carried, and, in
diminished height, also along the E [East] edge. There
has been an entrance into the lowest part
of the interior from the S E. [South East] opening into a
hollow which appears to have been excavated
and above which the ground slopes upward
to the crest of the rampart some 15 ft. [feet] in height
In rear of the hollow and at a slightly
higher level is a circular depression cut
out of rock on the upper side and with its

[Continued on page 58]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson