

[Page] 50
[Continued from page 49]

is this inscription. " My dear Mother neir I ly
ten before me the 11th. am I.
Dear Spous - while you behold this shryne
think on your bony babes and mine."

Wardlaw Hill
The Wardlaw Hill which rises to a height ? 313 ft. [feet]
over sea level overlooks the Castle of Caerlaverock
from which it is distant about a mile, commanding
also a prospect over a great extent of surrounding
country. It is surmounted by an oval fort
surrounded by a rampart of stone and earth with
a terrace, or trench now filled in before it some 18 ft. [feet]
broad having a mound on the outer edge or counter:
:scarp. The enceinte has its longest axis N [North] and S. [South]
measuring some 210 ft. [feet] by 180 ft. [feet] and rises in
elevation towards the N. [North]. The rampart along
the N. [North] arc at the edge of the interior is scarcely
perceptible but around the lower part of the
periphery it has a height of 3'.6'' or thereby
on the inner side a ramp some 8' in
height to the terrace which lies at a general
level of 6' above the ground outside. There is
an entrance from the W. [West] some 5 ft. [feet] in width.
On the N [North] arc in front of the highest point of
the fort and where the parapet is not observable
a slight mound is carried along the terrace
some 15' out and 4' to 5' back from the edge carried

[Continued on page 51]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson