

[Page] 32
[Contiued from page 31]

been inclined to regard these enclosures or
hut circles as comparatively modern and
probably associated with summer shielings
but not infrequent oc:
:crrence in proximity to the larger enclosures
is worthy of note. Their banks are suspiciously
well preserved for very ancient structures.
The entrance is seldom observable as if it
had been over rather than through the bank.
Further E [East] of the last and about ΒΌ m [mile] down
from the larger enclosure is another hut
circle measuring interiorly 18 ft. [feet] by 19 ft. [feet].
The enclosing bank is some 8' in thickness
at base and has a height all round of about
18 inches. The position of the entrance is not
at all clear though it has possibly been
from the E. [East]

Enclosure (site) Todshawhill
Aboo theut 1/2 m. [mile] to the E. [East] of Todshawhill farm
house on the East side of the summit of
Todshawhill facing the Castle O'er heights
are the fragmentary remains of a hollowed
enclosure. A segment of a stony rampart
remains on the S. [South] elsewhere only faintly and
intermittently traceable. There are the usual
indications of excavated hollows in the
interior. This was one

[Continued on page 33]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson