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[Continued from page 164]

fort whose outline can now only be made out
with difficulty. To the North of the cottage and
Kennels which stand upon the site there is traceable
a portion of a trench and a broad rampart
is discernible curving around the meadow
in front. The entrance has evidently been up
the slope from the bottom of the valley into the
South end of the fort by a track passing
obliquely upwards.

Enclosures Crofthead or Comal Burn
This enclosure at both these localities
may be noted as sites. That at Crofthead
is shown on the 25'' O.S. [Ordnance Survey] map as having
been circular with a diameter of about 150 ft. [feet]

Enclosure Hunterheck
This enclosure occupies the summit of a plateau
in an angle formed by a bend of the Trenchland
Burn as it changes its course from Westerly to
a Southerly direction and appears to have been
irregularly circular in form measuring 183 ft. [feet] by
164 ft. [feet] in diameter. With its North arc resting on
the glen of the burn it has been surrounded ex:
:cept at the North East as aftermentioned, by a broad
stony mound rising at most some 3 to 4 feet
on either face. On the N E. [North East] this mound instead
of being carried forward to the edge of the glen complete the circle is
turned away sharply to the Eastward for a dis:
:tance of some 66 ft. [feet] terminating at 23 ft. [feet] back

[Continued on page 166]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson