

[Page] 164
[Continued from page 163

the valley. The longest axis lies from S E. [South East]
to N W. [North West] and the interior measures some 191 ft. [feet]
by 124 ft. [feet]. The rampart some 12 ft. [feet] broad at base has a height of
4 ft. [feet] at most above the interior and nowhere
more than 3 ft. [feet] to 4 ft. [feet]. on the exterior. The
interior area shows evidence of hollowing
by excavation especially at the upper or
N E. [North] end where the floor lies some 6 ft. [feet] below
the natural ground level outside. At the
extreme point within the rampart, here the
highest part of the defences there is an oblong
enclosure measuring 44 ft. [feet] by 22 ft. [feet] the
inner wall of which appears to be a bank
of unexcavated soil and rock, now surrounded
by a modern stone dyke and pierced at
no visible point by an entrance to the
larger enclosure. The main entrance
has been from the E N E [East North East] into the lowest
area of the interior. Crossing the interior
diagonally towards the entrance, and cutting the area
into two divisions is a broad bank which
seems to have been formed of natural ground
left by excavation on either side.

Fort (site) Craigieburn
To the West of the entrance to Craigieburn
and occupying a hillock on the East side
of the burn there has been a large oval

[Continued on page 165]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson