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[Continued from page 153]

have been raised some 4 to 5 feet attaining
to a height of some 6 to 7 feet above the bottom
of the natural hollow. On the W. [West] towards the
edge of the glen where the foreground has been
higher the rampart has been covered by a
trench with an artificial mound forming the counterscarp
The interior has a chord of 164 ft. [feet] and a
bisectional diameter of 135 ft. [feet]. Some 2/3 distant
around the periphery from the W. [West] end. and
facing the S E. [South East] there is a well defined entrance
some 6 to 7 ft. wide carried up from the
trenchlike hollow in front and passing by
a covered way into the interior flanked on
the W. [West] by a slight inward return of the
rampart on that side. It opens into the
lowest part of the interior into a somewhat
circular area some 40 ft. [feet] in diameter
with higher ground around it. Against
the edge of the bank at the back of the
enceinte are the remains of a rude circular
enclosure measuring interiorly some 16 ft. [feet]
by 15 ft. [feet] surrounded by a wall some 2 ft. [feet]
in thickness formed of rather small stones
and probably secondary. Just beyond
the rampart towards the S W. [South West] there appears
to be a spring. Note This enclosure

[Continued on page 155]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson