

[Page] 125
[continued from page 124]

[Opposite page sketch inserted]

of the interior are about 160 ft [feet] from N W. [North West] to S E. [South East] and 150 ft [feet]
from N E. [North East] to S W. [South West]. The entrance has been from the S. [South]
towards the West end of the S E. [South East] side

Fort Whitehill Hightown Hill
On the N [North] end of the Whitehill, an eminence which
rises from a region of hillocks dominated by
Hightown Hill with an altitude of 818 ft. [feet] and about
1/4 m. [mile] to the S E. [South East] of it is the site of a defensive en:
:closure on a plateau recognisable by a
low rampart curving across the brow of
the hill towards the N. [North] but I failed to trace
the oval indicated on the O.S. [Ordnance Survey] plan by any other
artificial works. The position I located must be
checked on the 6 ins. [inches] map.

Trailflat Churchyard
Towards the W. [West] end of the burial ground are
a number of table stones commemorating various
generations of Patersons in Skipmyre, the family
of the founder of the Bank of England. One of
these dated 1694 shows a well cut inscription
in relief surrounded by a vine border with bunches
of grapes. This is the earliest use of this
motive I have met with.

Lochmaben "Peel."
Situated at the Northern end of the narrow
strip of land which separates the [blank] Loch
from the Castle Loch at Lochmaben and
directly in rear of the town to the S. [South] is a
prominent hillock formed from the termination

[Continued on page 126]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson