

[Page] 118
[Continued from page 117]

the horizon. To the N. [North] the ridge inclines by an
easy gradient to the summit of Grange Fell a
mile distant. The fort is oblong and approximately
rectangular with rounded angles, lying with its
main axis [blank] measuring [blank] in length by
[blank] in breadth through the centre, and con:
:taining an area of [blank]. The S E. [South East]
side appears to me to be curved somewhat and
there seemed likewise to be a considerable con:
:vexity on the N E. [North East] flank, but these features can
only be definitely determined from the plan
which I have instructed Mr. McGibbon to make.
The angles are rounded with a sweeping curve.
A bold rampart surrounds the interior area
rising some 3 to 4 ft. [feet] in elevation on the inner
face, covered by a trench no longer measureable on the N E. [North East] some 29 ft. [feet] in width
from crest to crest along the N W. [North West] and S W. [South West] sides
and 25 ft. [feet] on the S E. [South East] having a fairly uniform
depth of from 7 to 8 ft. [feet] below the crest of the scarp
and of about 4 ft. [feet] below that of the counterscarp
the scarps being smooth and sharply cut. The profiles
are considerably impaired along
the N E. [North East] and S E. [South East] sides by secondary construc:
:tions and on the latter side also by excavations.
To the N. [North] angle there stretch across the moorland
two broad parallel mounds some 10 ft. [feet] apart

[Continued on page 119]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson