

[Page] 7
[Continued from page 6]

figure dressed in cavalier fashion. MacGibbon
has a rubbing & measurements of it.
The step at the door of the chapel bears an
incised cross shaft on a graduated base.

Lady Chapel Knowe
& Well
On the Chapel Knowe lying on a low green
meadow to the S [South] of the W. [West] end of Bowhouse village
are the distinct traces of foundations and a
terrace-like mound passes round
it on the S. [South] side which has probably been a
roadway through the adjacent swampy ground.

Terregles Par [Parish]
This fort is situated on an eminence which
rises to an elevation of over 600' above sea level
overlooking the crossroad from Terregles
to Waterhead and rising directly to the E. [East] of
the farm of Sieside. The hill is very steep
on the E [East] and S. [South] and has a more gradual
slope upwards from the W. [West] and S W, [South West]. The
fort being now enclosed within a Young
larch plantation its details are difficult to
ascertain but it appears to have been contained
by a deep trench having a scarp some 8'
to 10' high surmounted in places with a
stony rampart and with a slighter mound
above the counterscarp. This trench does
not appear to have been continuous but to
have been terminated at the edge of the steep

[Continued on page 8]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson