

[Page] 54
[Continued from page 53]

with stone is some 7' to 8' in thickness.
The level of the interior is slightly below
that of the surrounding ground.
Some 30' to the E. [East] are the indefinite
remains of another hut circle, of rather
smaller dimensions entering from the S. [South]
Neither of the objects marked on the O.S. [Ordnance Survey]
map as Picts houses (No. 46 & 48) seem to be
of any interest.

Alt an h'Eaglaise
At the junction of the Alt an h-Eaglaise
with the Langwell water, on the top of

Site of chapel 31
the bank above the road to the W. [West] of the
former stream is the site of a chapel and
graveyard. Slight surface indications alone

Site of chapel 31
Some 3/4m. [mile] up the Alt an h'Eaglaise above

Earth House (4).
its junction with the Langdale water and
to the W. [West] of it has been exposed a portion
of an earth-house. It is situated among
the foundations of what appears to have
been a crofter settlement and its relation
to any early structure is not now recognisable.
Entrance is gained with difficulty from the SE. [South East] end
through an aperture below a lintel the
gallery at this extremity being almost
choked with soil & ruins. Within the

[Continued on page 55]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, John Dunlop