

[Page] 22
[Continued from page 21]

and a bank some 8' in thickness but now of
low elevation The entrance has been from
the S. [South]. In the interior the ruins seem to
imply some structure the character of which
is not now apparent. To the SE. [South East] lie two
or three small stony mounds seemingly artificial.
About 100 yds [yards] SE. [South East] is the second circle. The
Interior diameter is 23' and the entrance
from the SSE. [South South East]. It has been formed
with a stone wall 7' in thickness & still
in places 2' in height. There are no definite
signs of subdivision in the interior. Some
13' across the wall to the W. [West] is a small circu:
:lar enclosure abutting on the outer wall
with an interior diameter of some 7' &
built of stone. Beyond it on its W. [West] side has
been apparently another with a diameter
of 8'. The entrances to these outer circles is
also from the SSE. [South South East]. Some 8' out from
the entrance to the main circle and
directly in front of it are the ruins
of another small stone built structure
of indefinite plan. To the E [East] is a round
stoney mound with a diameter of some
Some 50 yds. [yards] SE [South East] of the last are the

[Continued on page 23]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Irenem