

[Page] 109
[Continued from page 108]

the top of the scarp and 6' below the counter:
:scarp. On the NE. [North East] between the top of the
scarp and the base of the broch has been a
terrace some 20' in width diminishing to the
edge of the broch at either side. At the edge of
this terrace or glacis there has been a wall or
parapet crowning the scarp. The diameter
of the tower is difficult to ascertain but appears
to have been about 54'. On the side above
the river portions of walling appear at one
or two place suggesting that the wall has
either been greatly increased in thickness on
that side or that there has been building on the
bank below to prevent the slipping of the
foundations. On the side above the
river bank the inner end of a chamber is
visible curving towards the S. [South]. A
considerable amount of quarrying has
been done into the terrace on the E. [East] side.

O.S. [Ordnance Survey] "Picts' Ho" [House] (20)
On the E. [East] side of the Thurso River opposite
Dalmore is a grassy mound marked
Picts' Ho. [House] on the O.S. [Ordnance Survey]. The mound appears
to be natural but from the base at one
side three large stones protrude set on end.
Their connection with any sepulchal con:
:struction is not obvious nor is their purpose

[Continued on page 110]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, seross