

[Page] 56
[Continued from page 55]

ago in Tain for 2/6 [£0.2.6] each. The collection of this
retired excise-man, ranging from mamoth ivory
to wine glasses, is kept in wooden chests, some
at one place some at another, each specimen
carefully rolled up in brown paper & tied in a
parcel. In his lodgings at Bonar Bridge he
has nothing exposed of any taste whatever
except a small collection of books and yet
he is an omnivorous collector. He is a man
of unusual intelligence.

[Margin] Wester Broch
(O.S. [Ordnance Survey] Castle Linglas)

Leaving Killimster we bicycled N. [North] to Keiss
Links. Situated at the S. [South] end of Keiss Links
just within the fringe of sand hills that
border the shore and about 1/2 N. [North] of the [1?] Water
of Wester is the Wester broch. It has been
excavated by the late Sir Francis Tress Barry
and described and illustrated. It is entered
from the WNW. [West North West] through a passage now for
the greater part built up 13' in length, 3 1/2 wide
at the exterior end and 2'.7" at the interior. At
9' from the outer end are door checks where
the passage narrows. The interior diameter
is 27'. At 22' to the left measured direct
from the inner extremity of the entrance
and at a height of 3' above the floor level
is the entrance to the stair 2 1/2 wide rising to
[Continued on page 57]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, Kris