

[Page] 108
[Continued from page 107]

interior diameter of about 34' but as the whole
mound is covered with thick turf and no wall
face visible these measurements can only be held
to be approximate.

[Margin] Standing Stones

On the E [East] side of the road from Watten to Lybster
slightly to the N. [North] of the point where a track branches
off to Camster are two standing stones. That
nearest the road is some 30' distant. It is a
low stone 2'.10" above ground, 3'.9" in breadth
and 10" in thickness and faces NNE [North North East] and SSW. [South South West]
Some 170' to the N. [North] of it is another similar slab
2'.8" high, 3'.5" broad and 10" thick facing
NNW [North North West] and SSE [South South East]. This latter stone does not seem to
be very deeply set. I cannot tell what
these stones are. They are possibly not prehistoric.

[Margin] Hut Circles
Upper Achairn

Near the source of the Achairn burn, about
1 m. [mile] E [East] of the Camster road and about 1/2 m. [mile] S.W. [South West]
of the deserted shepherd's cottage at Upper Achairn
are the remains of a hut circle. Its site is a
bright green spot among the heather. The
outline of the bank is marked by occasional
stones protruding from the turf and the interior
diameter is about 27'. The whole is very
indistinct and the entrance is not apparent.
Some 30' to the N [North] another green spot seems
to have been the site of a structure but there
[Continued on page 109]

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Moira L- Moderator, seross