

[Page] 84
[Continued from page 83]

a shelter. The bottom is covered with large
boulders and the sides show no signs of build:
:ing, the outside appearance being exactly that
of a cairn. All around the N. [North] half there is
a trench about 10 ft. [feet] wide and 2 ft. [feet] deep, but
this is not continued round the S. [South] half where
the ground slopes rapidly away.
1 mile nearer Durness on the W. [West] side of the
road is a shepherd’s cottage and the S. [South] end of

[Margin] Unnoted

which in a small enclosure are the remains
of a large cairn with a diameter of about
50 ft. [feet]. It has for the greater part been removed
and exposed is a cist. It is formed of a
covering slab 4’.10” long x 3’.4” wide and
8” thick supported on three upright slabs
and one fallen one at the S. [South] end. The longest
axis is N. and S. [North and South].

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 6.

Another mile nearer Durness near where
the road from Keoldale joins the main road
on the W. [West] side are the remains of another
cairn now almost entirely overgrown with
turf. It seems to have been excavated. Its
diameter is about 45 ft. [feet].
It was 5. o’clock before I reached Balnakeil
where Mr. Elliot had kindly offered me ac:
:commodation. It is a picturesque old

[Continued on page 85]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson