

[Page] 83
[Continued from page 82]

to the S. [South] of the burn about 1/2 m. [mile] N. [North] of Portmaneon
pier is blocked by a large heavy stone which
prevented ingress. As on the last occasion
on which I visited Loch Eriboll it was cold,
wet, and dreary in the extreme. On reaching
Durness we turned down past the inn, now
merely bare blackened walls, for 5 or 6 miles
down the Lairg road to inspect three, so
called “Broughs”. The furthest off (No 8) is

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 8

situated on ridge between the Allt a’ Choruinn
and the Kyle of Durness – about 1/4 m. [mile] E. [East] of the
road and 170 ft. [feet] above it. It is about 1/4 m. [mile] due
South of where the road crosses the burn. It
is not a broch but a large circular cairn
with a diameter of about 44 ft. [feet] and height of 7’.
It has been dilapidated to some extent in
the past to form a sheep fold which adjoins
it but the chamber or cist has not been
On the N. [North] side of the Allt a’ Choruinn
about 400 yds. [yards] N. [North] of it and about 100 ft. [feet] above the

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 7.

road are the remains of another cairn with
an external diameter of about 50 ft. [feet]. The
whole of the centre to the extent of 14 ft. [feet] diameter
has at some time been cleared out so as to
leave walls all round 3 to 4 ft. [feet] high, forming

[Continued on page 84]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson