

[Page 8]
[Continued from page 7]

The covering slab was removed & broken
up for road metal many years ago.
Nearly all the shepherds in this part
of the country are border men, whose
fathers were imported by Dr. [Doctor] Robson Scott
when he introduced the Cheviot sheep.
There are Ormistons, Turnbulls, Elliots,
Chisholms, Andersons, and Borthwicks.

[Margin] See Sage’s “Memorabilia domestica”

The ruined remains of crofter settle:
:ments are numerous around the
loch, which bespeak a large population
formerly. Hut circles and associated
cairns also abound and it is now quite
apparent to me that to chronicle all the relics
of this class is impossible. I got back to
lunch at 1.30 and Jocelyn returned from
fishing having caught a 4 lb. [pound] salmon just
when she started. At 2.15 we set out for
the loch to row down and examine the
broch on the S. [South] side. It is situated on a

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 54

small island about 1 1/2 miles E. [East] of Klibreck
and is connected with the shore by a
causeway of rough boulders about 10 ft. [feet] broad
and about 100 ft. [feet] long. The Interior is filled
with debris to a height above the level of the
top of the doorway and almost to that of the

[Continued on page 9]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson