

[Page] 243
[Continued from page 242]

for about 10' and to be about 15' wide at base.
On the E. [East] a stone dyke has been built close
to the cairn. At 10' in from the edge on
the S. [South] side lies a large block, triangular
in section - 10'.6" in length, about 2' deep & 1 1/2"
across. It lies ENE and WSW [East North East and West South West] so that
if there is a chamber in rear of it. As usual it
lies NNW. and SSE. [North North West and South South East]. The cairn is about 12' high
from W [West] side.

[Margin] Unnoted

About 150 yds. [yards] SE [South East] of Kyleoag House on the
top of a slight ridge about 30' S. [South] of the road
is a cairn entirely overgrown with long
heather. The vegetation obscures the details
but it measures about 40' from N to S. [North to South] and
45' from E to W. [East to West]. In height it is from 8' to 10'.
Its character is not revealed.
On the W. [West] side of the Rhivra burn to the N. [North] of
the road are 2 circular enclosures, that nearest
the burn measuring about 46' Int. dia. [Interior diameter] the
other some 30 yds [yards] W. [West] 35' x 34'. The entrance is
uncertain. These are probably both cattle
pends. It was 7.15 before I got
back to the hotel, about my usual hour.
I have not got home for tea for weeks.

24th. Engaged all morning writing up notes
which had got in arrears. Fortunately it

[Continued on page 244]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson