

[Page] 229
[Continued from page 228]

broadening gradually from about 17' towards
the entrance to a width of 13'.6". There are
indications of the existence of a chamber on
the W [West] side of the passage. The entrance is from
the SSE. [South South East]. A tree planted on the E [East] side prevents
the width of the passage being ascertained.
A number of well preserved small cairns
lie around, one actually abutting on the bank
towards the E. [East]. About 50 yds [yards] NW. [North West] is a well
preserved specimen measuring 20' in diameter
and about 3' in height.
Through the wood to the NW. [North West] are numerous
small cairns.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 16

The OS. [Ordnance Survey] marks a hut circle about 3/4 m. [mile]
W. [West] of the large cairn but as the wood was
thick and the heather deep it seemed an
almost hopeless task looking for it.
Striking N. [North] we passed an open glade and
saw several fine stags feeding among the
trees beyond. Emerging from the wood to

[Margin] Unnoted
the W [West] of the highest croft at Astel we followed
the track up the Crask as directed by Mac:
:donald the Skibo forester. Along the
ridge which runs towards the S.E. [South East] at an
elevation of from 400' to 500', are numerous
cairns, several circular enclosures and

[Continued on page 230]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson