

[Page] 167
[Continued from page 166]

another 2' x 2'. next it. Within 5' of this cairn
is a hut circle measuring about 19' x 22. There
is a break in the circumference directly opposite
the cairn towards the E [East] but from the form the original
entrance seems to have been as usual to SE. [South East].
Towards the N. [North] end of the group about 100 yds. [yards] SE [South East]
of the old sheep stell is another mounded con:
:struction with its entrance to the E. [East]. The interior
measures 11' to entrance x 7' across. The enclosing
mound is about 12' thick on the N. [North] side and
thins away to either side of the entrance, forming
the sides of a passage about 4' long and 1'.8" wide,
faced with stone, for 4' on one side and 2' on the
S. [South] or left side. A large earth fast boulder has
been utilised to form part of the bank on
the S.W. [South West]. There appears to have been a passage

[Margin - Sketch inserted]

broken through the back to the N. [North] of this boulder.
Some 40' N. [North] of the last is a small circular
enclosure with an interior diameter of about 7'
and an entrance towards the E [East] 1'.4" across.
The enclosing bank of earth & stones about
5' thick. About 60' W [West] are the remains of
another similar enclosure. What relation
have these to the ordinary hut circles? The
cairns seem equally associated with
both. The people among the hills are

[Continued on page 168]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson