

[Page] 150
[Continued from page 149]

grass covered circular cairn occupying the centre of the
circle 11 ft. [feet] across and about 1 1/2 ft. [feet] high.
Between the circles there is no sign of a turf bank
as in an ordinary hut circle and although here and there
are a few stones there is no indication whatever
of a wall or bank. Piercing the turf in the
interior I found stones over nearly the whole
interior area about 8" below the surface. I
do not know what to make of this. I am not
satisfied that its object was sepulchral.
About 40 yds. [yards] S.E. [South East] of the last is a low cairn
of 24' diameter, which appears to have been en:
:closed within a circle of low stones about 9'
apart, the circle having a diameter of from
36 to 38 ft. [feet]. Of the fourteen stones which must
have formed the circle only 3 small ones
remain but there are the well defined seats
of seven others leaving only four unaccounted
for. The evidence I hardly consider conclusive
but the circle worked out with wonderful
accuracy from the existing stones & the
seats of the uprooted ones. The existing stones
though firmly set in the peat do not protrude
more than 10" to a foot & are not broad. The
stones removed have all been larger. Most
of them stood with their broad faces at

[Continued on page 151]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson