

[Page] 118
[Continued from page 117]

line of the wall is well marked in places
with pointed stones set on end. The wall
at either side of the entrance expands to 14 ft. [feet] in
thickness so as to contain on either side a
small semicircular chamber 6' x 5’ across
at the interior end facing the passage.
About 30 yds [yards] N.E. [North East] of the last is another
circle with a diameter across of 35’ and to
the entrance towards the S.E. [South East] of 38’.
About 30’ to N. [North] of it lies a cairn with its
longest axis E. and W. [East and West] measuring about
28’ x 14’ and 2 ft. [feet] in height.
Another similar in same alignment
about 20’ W. [West] of the last measures 28’ x 16’
It is about 20 ft. [feet] N.W. [North West] of the last hut circle.
About 20’ N.W. [North West] of the last is another
measuring 21’x 16’. These seem
without question sepulchral cairns and
should be compared with others of the
same form. e.g. at Fiscary near Bettyhill
& the cairn I assisted to open at Gullane.
It is probable they contain several interments
as the latter did.
These are part of a group in the vicinity
of the hut circles 30 to 40 in number,
mostly circular measuring some 16’ to 20’ in

[Continued on page 119]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson